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Lend a Hand


What We Do!!

The Lend a Hand program is an opportunity for donors to sponsor the needs of orphans worldwide by providing support for essential medical care, food, education, and housing. Sponsors may contribute on a yearly or one-time basis. However, to truly impact the lives of orphans, it's crucial to provide year-round support. This can involve supporting either an entire orphaned family or an individual within. HFO fosters the relationship between sponsors and orphans through regular meetings and exchanging of letters and messages .



"I am one of 3 kids, but we do not have any support currently. Because of my dad's unexpected passing last month and the incoming pregnancy of my mom, we are selling our own toys and belongings to pay for essentials like food, water, and shelter. Please help support us! We appreciate any help we can get!"

​أنا واحد من 3 أطفال، ولكن ليس لدينا أي دعم حاليًا. بسبب وفاة والدي غير المتوقعة الشهر الماضي وحمل والدتي، نقوم ببيع ألعابنا وممتلكاتنا لدفع ثمن الضروريات مثل الطعام  والمأوى، الرجاء المساعدة في دعمنا! نحن نقدر أي مساعدة يمكننا الحصول عليها​


"Every single day, I feel unsafe. I can hear the wind blowing our 'door.' The same door that is made out of a blanket. I have four younger siblings who I feel as though I have the responsibility to protect ever since my dad died in 2023. I am a kid, yet I still work to provide for our family. Although my mom works on a farm, the payments are not enough to pay for both food and the school's yearly tuition. So, I nor my siblings attend school. Please support us, so we can attend school again!"

في كل يوم، أشعر بعدم الأمان. أستطيع أن أسمع صوت  الرياح تضرب بابنا. نفس الباب المصنوع من البطانية.  لدي أربعة أشقاء أصغر سناً، وأشعر وكأنني أتحمل مسؤولية حمايتهم منذ وفاة والدي في عام 2023. أنا طفلة ، ومع ذلك  أعمل لإعالة عائلتنا. على الرغم من أن أمي تعمل في مزرعة إلا أن المدخول  لا يكفي لدفع ثمن الطعام والرسوم للمستلزمات الدراسية السنوية للمدرسة. لذلك، أنا وإخوتي لا .نذهب الى المدرسة. يرجى دعمنا، حتى نتمكن من الالتحاق بالمدرسة مرة أخرى


"My growth hormone deficiency is only getting worse due to my malnutrition. Because my dad died last year, we lost a huge part of our yearly income, cutting down the amount of food we could buy for the week. We receive and eat very little, making my disease worse and worse each passing day. I appreciate any support I can get to help me recover little by little!" 


إن نقص هرمون النمو الذي أعاني منه يزداد سوءًا بسبب سوء التغذية. ونظرًا لوفاة والدي العام الماضي، فقدنا جزءًا كبيرًا من دخلنا السنوي، مما أدى إلى تقليل كمية الطعام التي يمكننا شراؤها طوال الأسبوع. نحن نأكل القليل جدًا مما يجعل مرضي أسوأ  كل يوم يمر، وأنا أقدر أي دعم يمكنني الحصول عليه لمساعدتي على التعافي شيئًا فشيئًا 


"I am a two year old toddler, and my dad died before I was born. Because of my father's absence, my mom has to work endless hours to make ends meet, so we live in our grandpa's house to save money. But, our grandpa's house also has 10 other people living in it. Please help support us!"

 ​​انا عمري سنتين, والدي توفى قبل ولادتي , بسبب غياب والدي اضطرت امي للعمل لساعات طويلة لتامين احتياجات المعيشة. نحن نعيش في منزل جدي مع 10 اشخاص ارجو المساعدة


"We were once a family of five, but then, my youngest sister died at the age of six months. My dad's death followed shortly after, leaving my mom, my sister, and me alone. Since we did not have enough money to fulfill the payments for our house, we went to live in a rented house. My mom works tirelessly to provide for us, but it is still not enough for our rented house. Currently, we are looking for cheaper alternatives. Please help us keep our house! "

كنا عائلة من خمسة اشخاص و لكن بعد وفاة اختي الصغيرة و والدي  اصبحنا ثلاثة انا و امي و اختي.  نحن نعيش في بيت بالايجار و لكننا لم نعد نستطيع دفع الايجار.فعلى الرغم من عمل امي الصعب فهي لا تستطيع توفير المال لدفع الايجار وشراء ابسط انواع الغذاء  نحن بحاجة الى دعمكم  ​


I am a 9 year old whose dad recently died. We are living in a house that people gave to us to live in since we do not have much money. My older sister has a fourth degree burn from the war, but since we don't have any money to treat it, the burn leads to deformities. Due to our lack of money, she quit school, and my older brother works at a factory for cheap labor just to help us live. I don't even have money for school supplies. Please help us stay in school and live!

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We are family of 6 people ever since my dad died and left us. I am the youngest at 13 years old, and all my brothers and sisters work to pay for their school supplies so they can continue to university. We usually don't have warm water, a working oven, or any sort of electricity. Please help so that we can afford a better place to live!

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Donate Now!

Each orphan requires $50 to live with essentials for a year. If a family has more than one orphan, you are able to cover all the family's expenses through the amount's options. A 'one time' payment will cover a year, while 'yearly' payments are recurring, allowing the family to be constantly funded for. 

معدل التكرار

مرة واحدة









Orphan Name and Additional Comments:


"Ever since our dad has died, my mom decided that we should. move to our grandparent's house to live with our uncles (from the dad's side of the family). The uncles hate my mom, treating her badly. Please help us so we can get out of this tough situation!"

منذ وفاة والدنا، قررت أمي أن ننتقل إلى منزل جدنا للعيش مع أعمامنا (من جانب الأب في الأسرة) .لكن الأعمام يكرهون أمي، ويعاملونها بشكل سيء. الرجاء مساعدتنا حتى نتمكن من يمكن الخروج من هذا الوضع الصعب

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"My dad died when my little brother was one year old, so we depend on our mom. She always works, attempting to rack up money for us and selling continuous amounts of vegetables. However, the money is never enough. Please support us!"

توفي والدي عندما كان أخي الصغير يبلغ من العمر سنة واحدة، لذلك نحن نعتمد على والدتنا. فهي تعمل دائمًا وتحاول تامين المال من خلال بيع الخضار. ومع ذلك المال لا يكفي أبدًا. يرجى دعمنا

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"My family consists of my mom and my four brothers. My oldest brother got dealt with the task of taking care of us along with my mom. He also works at a sewing shop to help my mom get money, but we still do not have a house or a safe place to live. Please donate!"

عائلتي مكونة من أمي وإخوتي الأربعة. أخي الأكبر تولى مهمة الاعتناء بنا مع أمي. فهو يعمل في محل خياطة لمساعدة أمي في الحصول على المال، لكننا مازلنا لا نملك المال لدفع الايجار لمكان آمن نعيش فيه من فضلك تبرع

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"Ever since I was little, I can remember us struggling. My mom sells bread to keep us alive, because our dad died. Meanwhile, my younger brother has a neurological brain disease that causes difficulty walking, so he needs extremely expensive medication. The house, the food, and the pills all add up to a hefty cost. Please help us!"

منذ أن كنت صغيرا، أستطيع أن أتذكر أننا كنا نعاني و ما زلنا نعاني!  أمي تبيع الخبز لإبقائنا على قيد الحياة، فوالدنا توفي فجاة. وفي الوقت نفسه أخي الصغير يعاني من مرض عصبي في الدماغ يسبب  له صعوبة في المشي،  فهو يحتاج إلى دواء باهظ الثمن. تامين المنزل والطعام والدواء يشكل تكلفة باهظة لنا، من فضلك ساعدنا

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"I am one of four children that my mom has to take care of. Plus, my sister has a growth hormone deficiency, meaning that it is hard for her to grow (height and weight) along with anemia. Because of our lack of electricity and a refrigerator, my sister finds it even harder to deal with her diseases. She needs treatment and the necessary nutrition. Please help us!"

أنا واحد من أربعة أطفال  أمي تعتني بهم. بالإضافة إلى أن أختي تعاني من نقص هرمون النمو، مما يعني أنه من الصعب عليها النمو (الطول والوزن)  فهي تعاني ايضا" من فقر الدم.  بسبب نقص الكهرباء و عدم  وجود الثلاجة، تجد أختي صعوبة كبيرة في التعامل مع أمراضها

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"Once our dad died, my mom got up and left my brother and my 3 sisters to get married straight away - no hesitation whatsoever. She left us at our aunt's house without saying anything. We lost connection with our mom after that - no calls to ask about us or no money to help our aunt take care of us. Along with us, my aunt lives with 11 people.  Three of my siblings has urinary incontinence, requiring diapers. The diapers cost a lot of money that we do not have. Please help us!"

بمجرد وفاة والدنا، تزوجت  أمي وتركتنا انا و اخوتي  دون أي تردد على الإطلاق. لقد تركتنا في منزل عمتنا دون أن تقول أي شيء. ولم تعد تتصل او ترسل المال لمساعدة عمتنا في المصروف، نحن نعيش في منزل عمتي مع 11 شخص.  ساعدونا 

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"Once my dad passed away, my 'mom' immediately married and left 11-year-old me and my brother at my grandmother's house. I love my grandmother dearly. but she has a heart issue and high blood pressure, so she cannot keep taking care of us. To help us, my brother works tirelessly after school, but it is still not enough. Please help support us!"

 بعد وفاة والدي ,تزوجت امي و تركتنا انا و اخي عند منزل جدتي. احب جدتي كثيرو لكنها مريضة قلب وضغط و لا تستطيع الاعتناء بنا و تامين مستلزماتنا .ساعدونا 



"My brother and I are two toddlers younger than 5 years old, but we had to learn how to grow up swiftly due to our situation.  My dad passed away in 2022, so my mom is taking care of us.  Her work is not enough, so we stay in our aunt's house. We are grateful for any support to help us stay in school and pay for our needs!"

أنا وأختي طفلان أصغر من 5 سنوات، ولكن  علينا أن نتعلم كيف نكبر بسرعة بسبب وضعنا.  توفي والدي في عام 2022، لذلك أمي تعتني بنا لكن عملها ليس كافيًا لتامين احتياجتنا من ماوى وطعام  لذلك نبقى في منزل خالتنا . ونحن ممتنون لأي دعم يساعدنا على البقاء في المدرسة ودفع تكاليف احتياجاتنا

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"After a long, endless battle with illness, my dad passed away. Afterwards, my mom began to work in a crafting company who pays her an extremely low salary. We live in a rented house, so the salary does not cover the rent. Soon, we will not even have a home to live in it. We need immediate help. Please donate!"


  توفى والدي بعد معاناة  طويلة مع المرض . بدات امي العمل في التطريز و لكن براتب بسيط جدا. نحن  نعيش في بيت اجار لكن الدخل لا يغطي جزءبسيط من المصروف .ارجو الدعم  قبل ان نصبح من دون منزل نعيش فيه

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